Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How many people can play?

A: 2-5 players

Q: How long does a game take to play?

A: 2 players 20-30 min

A: 3-4 players 45-90 min

A: 5 players 90+ min

Q: What happens when I get a Mutiny but I have no cards in my hand?

A: Draw Five cards as per normal but give the first two to the player who gave you the Mutiny and then play a card if you wish.

Q: What happens when I get a Mutiny and a Walk the Plank played against me in the same turn?

A: On your turn, complete the action of the first action card and then complete the action of the second action card on your successive turn.

(Same applies for any combination of both cards.)

Q: What happens when I run out of gold to pay another player?

A: Use any of your collectable cards to pay the remainder of the money owed.

(If you have nothing then you pay nothing and the amount owed does not accumulate.)

Q: Can I Escape a "Thief in the Night" or "Blind Pirate's Bluff" Card?

A: No